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Top 5 Wellness Workdays Blog Posts of 2020

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Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Top 5 Wellness Blogs of 2020

As we give the new year a warm welcome, we’d like to take the time to round up our top five blog posts from 2020. Check out the highlights from this past year and get some great tips for your organization’s wellness program as we head into 2021.

7 Reasons Employees Dislike Wellness Programs and How to Change Their Minds

Whether your employees are concerned about privacy or simply believe that wellness programs are no fun, some employees simply don’t like employee well-being programs. Read more to learn seven ways to get those less enthusiastic workers to buy into your employee wellness program.

10 Corporate Wellness Trends for 2020

2020 brought challenges we never could’ve predicted, but as with any new year, it brought new and exciting corporate wellness trends for employers to consider. These trends are filled with ideas that can improve current wellness programs and increase both engagement and results. Check out the trends we predicted in 2020 and find out why they are still relevant today.

Improve Employee Engagement With Mindfulness

A study found that people’s minds wander almost 50 percent of the time, and research suggests that when employees are not focused on what they are doing and are thinking about something else, they are less happy. Learning to be mindful is a great initiative to incorporate into your wellness programs. Employees who are mindful show superior engagement with lower stress and burnout, and growing evidence links mindfulness to better performance.

Is Intermittent Fasting a Good Idea? Improve Employee Nutrition Through Education

Of all of the diet trends, Intermittent Fasting (IF) has come up year after year. Proponents of IF swear by this style of eating to lose weight and keep it off. There are different IF diet patterns that call for fasting windows to be 12, 16, or 24 hours. Read more as we break down what the literature says and give our bottom line. And if you are looking to improve your employees’ knowledge about nutrition, we highlight four ways to improve the nutrition habits of your workforce – even if your employees are working remotely.

Take Steps to Improve Employee Mental Health

The coronavirus pandemic has increased stress levels for many employees. Incorporating mental health initiatives into your well-being program can provide employees with strategies they can use to reduce anxiety levels. Listening to music can have a calming effect, and if you’ve ever searched for music for relaxation or to help ease stress or anxiety, you may have come across a type of sound wave therapy called binaural beats. Binaural beats are said to help reduce stress, help achieve deeper meditation, and improve focus and concentration. Learn more about binaural beats on our blog and read about the four steps you can take to improve your employees’ mental health.

What corporate wellness topics are you interested in reading about in 2021? We would love to hear from you! Contact us with your suggestions.

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