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  • Writer's pictureWellness Workdays

September 30, 2020

7 Reasons Employees Dislike Wellness Programs | A Culture of Health Is Key for Business Resiliency | Microsoft Develops a 'Virtual Commute' for Remote Workers | The Importance of Rest | Data Integration to Improve Wellness Programs

Wellness Weekly

Welcome to our weekly collection of cutting-edge resources. Wellness Workdays is committed to keeping you up-to-date on the latest in corporate wellness and population health management. Here we highlight people and organizations making real changes to the way we think about wellness.

This Week's Wellness News

Wellness Workdays’ CEO, Debra Wein, shares insights on boosting enthusiasm for your wellness program.

Your organization’s wellness culture may be a key factor in crisis response. Here’s how.

Are you missing that wind-down time on your drive home from work? Microsoft may have a virtual solution.

Take a break! Learn how a little rest can improve your performance at work and improve your health.

Discover how collecting the right data can optimize spending and enhance your wellness program.

From Surviving to Thriving Program

We recently launched our Surviving to Thriving" program, which provides employers with tools and resources to help enhance employee well-being during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. As the nation’s businesses begin to re-open, healthy employees will be critical to the success of each organization. Our initiative, which focuses on employee engagement, communications and population health management, includes easily accessible and frequently updated resources such as checklists and case studies, complimentary webinars led by industry experts, thought leadership articles, and access to Wellness Workdays' wellness portal. Learn more!


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Wellness Workdays is a Certified WBE (Woman-Owned Business Enterprise) as well as a DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) and registered with the SDO (Supplier Diversity Office) since 2011.

Established 2004.

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