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7 Strategies to Make Your Wellness Program Stand Out

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7 Ways to Make Your Wellness Program Stand Out

The corporate wellness industry has experienced remarkable growth over the past ten years. So much so that many employers are now looking for ways to sustain employee interest while competing with similar businesses that offer great worksite wellness programs. If you want your wellness initiatives to stand out in the crowd, these seven strategies will set your program apart:

Promote your wellness program as a benefit, not a perk. In its infancy, wellness programs were used to entice employees as an add-on incentive. Now, employees often expect these programs in their benefits package, as much as they expect vacation days and health care coverage.

Use a customized digital platform. Technology platforms and wellness portals provide employees with an easy-to-use, centralized source for their health data, fitness goals, dietary plans and well-being goals, as well as one place to sign up for programs and access a variety of health education materials.

Be results oriented. Set goals and utilize digital platforms to track employee outcomes and successes. A recent report found that about 65 percent of employers that tracked wellness efforts observed increased productivity — and about the same percentage of employees who took part were more satisfied at work.

Be flexible. Offer a range of options so that employees can find something they like and stick with it. Keep in mind, however, that when new trends arise, employees may want to try them as well. Keep an eye on the trends that make sense and incorporate them into your program.

Promote a corporate culture that celebrates wellness. Recognize employees who accomplish health goals. Use intra-office meetings, motivational contests, weekly emails, and other constructive communications to show employees how and why the company values health and wellness.

Meet employees where they are. Employees represent a diverse population and span a number of generations, including working parents, single twenty somethings, boomers and those living with a disability. Make corporate wellness benefits accessible to everyone.

Encourage healthy habits. A wellness initiative needs to be easily repeatable to become a habit or it risks being dropped. Make sure your program has continuity. Even if you can only start with one area of well-being – for example, nutrition – make sure your program is consistent. If you are offering a six-week nutrition seminar during lunch, take steps to make sure healthy snacks are served at meetings, that your vending machines don’t carry sugary treats and that healthy food options are available in the company cafeteria.

Wellness Workdays develops and implements wellness programs for organizations across the country. We have years of experience designing programs that are both engaging and successful. Contact us to learn more.

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